A’er Village Qiang Minority Cultural Revitalization

A’er Village Qiang Minority Cultural Revitalization Project is CHP’s third project in the Ethnic Minority Cultural Revitalization Area of Focus under a sponsorship of the prestigious U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation. It has also received funding from the Switzerland Embassy in China.

CHP aims to assist local A’er villagers protect their own A’er and Qiang minority culture. By the end of 2010, we hope to complete the following:

1. Restore the village’s pagodas and temples damaged from the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake;
2. Publish an archive (in Mandarin Chinese) that records the A’er Village Qiang minority culture;
3. Create a CD that records the non-verbal aspect of culture to accompany with the printed archive;
4. Organize a photo exhibition on A’er Village, Qiang Minority Cultural Revitalization Project;
5. Create CHP’s archiving methodology in a 40-minute documentary; and
6. Create a training manual of CHP’s archiving method for future use by a third party.

Project Updates

1. First Gathering of Volunteers

2. Initial Surveying Report

3. Cultural Heritage Protection Badge Designed for A’er Village

4. Second Progress Report

5. A’er Village visit

6. The Third Progress Report of A’er Village Qiang Minority Cultural Revitalization

7. CHP-UCCA Lecture Series: Qiang Minority in A’er Village – Cultural Protection and Cultural Consciousness | The Lowdown

8. The Reflections of the A’er Village Qiang Minority Cultural Revitalization Project by Wang Yunxia